Electro surgery is a very versatile dermatological procedure for removing warts, moles and skin tags. This procedure has gained importance since it is easy to perform with minimal bleeding and down time and also with minimal side effect and complications. Electro Surgery also called as Radio Frequency ablation (RFA) has gained importance in the recent years as it is highly effective in the cutting of the skin lesions with adequate hemostasis at the same time because of good coagulation.
Diagnostic : Skin biopsy, excision of cysts and abscesses.
Infections : Verrucae, pyogenic granuloma and molluscum contagiosum.
Metabolic: Xanthelasma , xanthomas.
Benign skin conditions: Freckles, dermatitis papulosa nigra, cherry angiomas, naevi, trichoepithelioma, cutaneous horn, sebaceous hyperplasia.
Malignant skin tumors: Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma.
Nail procedures: Nail matrixectomies, surgical hemostasis of ingrown toenail.
Cosmetic indications : Mole removal, unwanted hair removal, scar revision , ear-lobe repair.